We heard of the mysterious commando group called "Team Six" that executed the mass-murderer Osama bin Laden. Officially, that Navy SEAL team is not even supposed to exist. But officials do not deny it either. (We should also give credit on this operation to U.S. Army helicopter pilots who flew "Team Six" in and out of Pakistan--no small feat in and of itself.
Why call it "Team Six"? It sounds so...well, so simple. But, it's probably an innocuous, innocent name for a deadly official hit squad.
To "Deep Six" something is to destroy it. The roots are in old navy parlance: to "Deep Six" something or to send someone to "Davy Jones' Locker."
It's very likely that "'Team Six" are commandos specially trained to "Deep Six" targets in this new age of warfare.
News reports stated that it was also members of "Team Six" who saved the U.S. captain of a container ship many months ago. Somali pirates had him in a boat drifting far behind the vessel when a "Team Six" commando shot a pirate at far range at night in a boat bobbing in high swells.
The two times "Team Six" was mentioned in the news involved a precision "hit".
Based on what's reported thus far, "Team Six" sounds like a very logical designation. Maybe it will even revert to slang: "The candidate was 'Team Sixed'." "Chicago 'Team Sixed' the Miami Heat in the playoffs." [just sayin']
As for Osama bin Laden and "Davy Jones' Locker".......
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